Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is the Day the LORD!

has made I WILL rejoice and be GLAD in it! That just hit me I was not even planning on posting anything I am very pressed for time BUT I heard and so I typed. This is the day that the Lord has made I WILL REJOICE and be GLAD IN IT! OMG that gets me so very excited just think about that for a min. All the things the Lord has in store for us when we we stop and be glad and joyfully. Feeling sad depressed bad memories from past holidays, remember this is the Day the Lord has made its time to rejoice and put on that garment of praise. That garment is something YOU HAVE TO PUT ON YOURSELF, don't wait to get so low thinking someone will feel sorry for you and put it on for you NOPE wont happen. You must do it yourself, and you know what when you first put it on you wont like it because it is coming against everything the devil and your flesh want so SUCK IT UP Pull up them BIG GIRL AND BOY PANTS and run to the garment of praise.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the DAY don't pass it up !!!!!


Unknown said...

You go, Angel! Even a foggy, dreary, rainy day is a blessing from the Lord in the life of someone who has on their praise garments! :)

Jonathan Trentham said...

Thank you, I needed this. Suddenly I see that this afternoon has purpose, and value. I wont ruin it. Thanks!

Sheila Atchley said...

Angel, this blesses me so much, because I KNOW what you have been through. If YOU can put on that garment of praise, ANYBODY can!!!

I love you dearly!

Justin said...

That is awesome! I know I'm a bit late in reading it... but nevertheless, it is so true, and I needed it.

Unknown said...

Yes,Angel!! You are so right! And I can see the effects of a "garment of praise" in your life. It is a transforming thing, to praise the Lord. Not to just be "in a good mood" or "try to be cheery" or anything like that. But to PRAISE the Creator of the Universe, the One who LOVES us . . . now THAT will change you from the inside, out!!!